Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Week 11

Visiting Friends

I visited the blogs of my friends/classmates today. Many of them had interesting posts and projects.

My first stop was the blog of my friend Alex who is currently building a hoverboard. Well, not entirely. He's working on a motorized skateboard which, as long as he wears proper safety gear (hint hint) , could be the coolest thing anyone I know has ever built (aside from Hobbes I, II, and III).

The second blog I visited was the blog of Reece who's trying to code a game on the computer. He's trying to convince me to learn JavaScript and how it works with Unity, but given my current progress with html and css, that won't be happening anytime soon

My final stop was Matt. He's working on analysing and researching emotions and their causes. It's actually pretty interesting, but he's still working on getting everything up.

I highly recommend visiting any of these blogs. The projects are fun to follow, and they're always good for a quick laugh. (GIFs...everywhere.)

As I devote more and more time into my new position as the business leader on the robotics team, I'll be having less time to work on my website. I'll do my best anyway!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Week 10

Back to School!

Over break, I didn't work on my project much. However, I recently learned how to create a table using html, which enabled me to put all my links at the top of my website (without using JQuery or JavaScript!). I still have a lot to work on however.

Work done Work to do
Create basic pages Learn how to make pages look nicer
Changed colours of text and backgrounds Learn how to add more CSS
Work on the team's official website to learn Continue to edit my website

I'm hoping to be able to work on my website and write "blog" entries for the team as build season continues, but robotics is taking up most of my life right now! I don't know if I'll have a very cool end project because my html work might go into working on the official website of the team, since it desperately needs help!